Pelosi, Perez, Evers, Biden fan the flames in Kenosha, sell out the police, deny due process


Police have released a statement about the shooting of a black man in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and they are investigating. We don’t know all the facts.


Police were called to a domestic incident and a wanted criminal, Jacob Blake, was involved. Police followed him out to his car and he would not stop. As he walked, he appeared to have a blade in his hand. When he reached into his car, an officer shot him, possibly in his back seven times.

Blake was resisting arrest and he is wanted for serious criminal charges. He has a rap sheet.

Blake is in serious condition.


The Democrat Governor immediately sold out the police. Democrats don’t believe in due process. Governor Tony Evers said [the criminal] Jacob Blake, was shot multiple times in broad daylight in what I characterize as a crazy statement. Why does that matter? Whether it was daylight and he was shot multiple times is irrelevant.

Evers never called for calm, just prayers, and incited the masses by grouping Blake with other black people who were killed by police, some of whom were accidental deaths or the result of criminal behavior.

The rioters, who the media insists on calling ‘protesters,’ looted a car dealership and burned it down, destroying every car, set fire to a church, set garbage trucks aflame, and looted businsses after smashing windows. They caused absolute mayhem as they vandalized and looted.


Nancy Pelosi is stoking the flames with her call to prayers and her pushing for an absolutely horrendous Justice in Policing act. For Pelosi, everything is political.

She calls it an ‘outrageous’ shooting but she has not given the officer(s) due process. She set herself up as judge, jury, and executioner. Pelosi also knows she’s encouraging more looting and arson.


DNC Chair Tom Perez sent out a series of tweets claiming the nation is praying calling for immediate action by Congress to allegedly “rein in” police.


Joe Biden, who never voices complaints about the destruction from these radical groups, said, “The nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage.”

Did we? We don’t know what happened yet, but we do know the man involved is a serious criminal, who was charged with domestic abuse and a sex crime. There is a warrant out for his arrest for pulling a gun on a bartender, threatening the people in the bar, and causing a soft tissue injury to an officer. He’s very dangerous.

In a statement released by Biden’s campaign, Biden said, “… this morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another Black American is a victim of excessive force.”

Yesterday in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back as police attempted to restrain him from getting into his car. His children watched from inside the car and bystanders watched in disbelief. And this morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another Black American is a victim of excessive force. This calls for an immediate, full, and transparent investigation and the officers must be held accountable.

These shots pierce the soul of our nation. Jill and I pray for Jacob’s recovery and for his children.

Equal justice has not been real for Black Americans and so many others. We are at an inflection point. We must dismantle systemic racism. It is the urgent task before us. We must fight to honor the ideals laid in the original American promise, which we are yet to attain: That all men and women are created equal, but more importantly that they must be treated equally.

Biden’s just pandering. The police deserve due process. Did they think he was going for a gun? How can Biden jump to — this is systemic racism??? The only systemic racism existed under Democrat’s Jim Crow laws.

During the Democratic national Convention, Democrats embraced the violent, Marxist group Black Lives Matter. They never condemn antifa.

Why aren’t these officers getting due process? How is it that we have senior level politicians selling them out and stirring the pot?

What are the facts?

And how is it okay to destroy businesses? Since when is that a protest? The media is reporting that the shooting sparked a night of protests.


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