Penn and Hannity Unite to Hawk Endless War with Russia


Journalism is a false picture of the world, thrown upon a lighted screen in a darkened room so that the real world is not seen.

~ GK Chesterton

Get your barf bag ready! Sean Penn, dressed like a Marxist revolutionary, joined Sean Hannity to shill for war with Russia over Ukraine.

The tragedy of Ukraine is the destruction of lives and the way of life for Ukrainians. It’s heartbreaking. However, Ukraine isn’t fighting for democracy as Americans envision it. The leadership fights for the NWO, as they said. It’s not our fight.

This is CIA-led Hollywood joining forces with a CIA TV moment to convince us that we must get into the Ukraine fight while our country is descending into chaos and we don’t have any borders. Deep State must be thrilled.

It’s clear to Penn that Ukraine will win this. On the other hand, it’s clear to the Sentinel that we’ll win as we did in Afghanistan. We’ll spend 20 years pretending we’re winning and trillions later, we’ll surrender. The US doesn’t win these wars, especially not with the dummkopfs we have in charge now.


If you don’t agree with wanting to go to war for Ukraine’s borders and sovereignty, you are bad!

As for US’s borders and sovereignty, do not look over there. Watch this shiny object instead.

Did anyone watch Newt compare Zelensky to Churchill? That was another moment.

By the way, these people need to stop bringing up long-dead Ronald Reagan to support war with Russia. I doubt he’d want to do this.

War with Russia will lead to Maoist China getting involved. Perhaps terrorist-run Iran will bomb Israel, and let’s not ignore North Korea – the guy’s crazy.

If only Rush was here!


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