Pentagon Chief General Lloyd Austin rejected DC Mayor Bowser’s request for the national guard to help her city get rid of illegal aliens. She has had about 4,000 come in so far. In one sector in Texas alone, 8,000 pour in DAILY, and many stay in Texas or go to Florida.
She planned to stop Texas shipping them to DC. Bowser also wanted the Guard to relocate the aliens. This woman demanded we accept all aliens who pour into the country and made DC a sanctuary for illegal alien criminals.
Bowser also wouldn’t accept the national guard for the J6 rally despite intel that troublemakers were coming. She even gave a stand-down order to the police the day before the J6 rally riot.
Reuters reported that Austin rejected the Nimby [Not In My Backyard] DC mayor’s request.
“U.S. Defense Secretary Austin had rejected a request by the D.C. mayor for National Guard troops to help with migrants being sent into the city from Texas, saying that it would hurt troop readiness, a U.S. official says,” Reuters reported.
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Abbott announced plans to bus the illegals to the United States capitol to protest the “Biden border disaster,” as he described it. “To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the administration,” Abbott said at a press conference near the U.S. border with Mexico, “Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington, D.C.”
DC doesn’t need new Democrats, who are mostly dependents, deadbeats, and criminals. They currently have a 98% Democrat to Republican ratio in the depressed city.
Florida is also sending some people coming illegally to DC.
Democrat-led Congress has authorized that far-left D.C. Mayor Bowser – who called the capitol a “sanctuary city” – may directly request increasing the National Guard presence. Bowser intentionally limited the National Guard presence on January 6.
It’s probably too late for America. The demographics are responsible for the country’s shift to communist and socialist Democrats, and they didn’t need many in the Red States to turn them purple or blue. Even if they don’t vote illegally, they greatly affect our politics. The more criminals we take in, the less we will see of law enforcement. The more poor and uneducated pour in, the more they need handouts, and in that, Democrats have promised an endless supply of freebies. It will be what the new Democrats need, but Democrats won’t be able to fulfill the promises they make.
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