Pfizer CEO Has NOT Pledged to Rebuild the Georgia Guidestones!
By Mark Schwendau
A story spreading like a wildfire on the Internet claims Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla has vowed to rebuild the Georgia Guidestones which were blown up earlier this month. This story is NOT true.
We reported on the explosion as news on July 6th the day it happened.
With the story, a picture is being shared on the Internet that offers a screenshot of a New York Times article to give the story credibility. The only problem is the picture of the New York Times story is a complete fake. The Times reports the image has been digitally altered to resemble their publication but no such story was ever released as news by them. Whoever started the Internet rumor apparently made the image so the unfounded allegation about the monument, whose enigmatic message has made it the subject of conspiracy theories, would be believed. And boy has it been!
The screenshot includes a headline that reads: “Pfizer’s CEO Vows To Re-Build The ‘Iconic’ Georgia Guidestones’, with a subhead: “For more than four decades, the Georgia Guidestones have been an enigma. On Wednesday, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla agreed to finance its reconstruction, provided it could be completed by February 23rd, 2023. A mere six months, six weeks, and six days after the mysterious explosion in Georgia.”
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The Georgia Guidestones have been called America’s Stonehenge as well as “The Ten Commandments of the Underworld”.
What is true is several private parties have begun fundraisers to rebuild the monument on its original tract of land but thus far those efforts have not gone well. One GoFundMe account by a Roger Phillips had a grand total of $195 as of this writing. When the stones were erected in 1980 the project was said to cost a half-million dollars for the engraved granite monument and land. It was sponsored by an anonymous cabal calling themselves “a group of Americans who seek the Age of Reason”. The replacement cost today is estimated at over a million dollars.
At some point, after 1980 the anonymous landowners deeded the land over to Elbert County, Georgia, with conditions. Two known conditions were to make sure the monument was maintained and protected and kept publically available. The county was happy to oblige as the Guidestones had become a tourism attraction as a point of curiosity.
Back in the day, there were persistent rumors Ted Turner (CNN founder in Atlanta) was actually R.C. Christian as a pseudonym who contracted the structure to be made and erected. Some had found some kind of anagram in the engravings which they viewed as a clue as to the identity of the initiator. The word “untarnished” appears in the engravings which unscrambled becomes “Ted Turner.” Not sure how that was arrived at???
There is also a persistent rumor Ted Turner’s grandmother lived on a farm down the road from where the monument was erected but we were unable to confirm that detail. Ted Turner was a known atheist who was briefly married to actress Jane Fonda.
A time capsule was allegedly buried beneath the stone, where an inscription read “to be opened on…” Workers excavated the area to the prescribed level and found nothing there. They also observed that the dirt was compacted to a degree which would indicate that the land had not been disturbed in quite some time, seemingly precluding that possibility that the apocryphal time capsule had been secretly spirited away sometime in the recent past (1980).
Whether the guidestones are ever replaced or not will be up to the county board of commissioners as per this news story recently aired in that area.
“Does the county plan to rebuild Georgia’s Guidestones?” – 11 Alive
Copyright © 2022 by Mark S. Schwendau
Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.” He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist. Mark is an award-winning educator who has published 7 books and numerous peer-reviewed trade journal articles some of which can be found on the Internet. His father was a fireman/paramedic while his mother was a registered nurse. He holds multiple degrees in technology education, industrial management, OSHA Safety, and Driver’s Education. His personal website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.
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