PISSED! Rep. Zeldin NUKES Dems for holding the country hostage


Rep. Lee Zeldin is my representative and he is a sincere and honest man. Consider that as you hear the Republican representative blast the lying shifty Schiff and his cohorts.


“I’m pissed as I stand here!” he told reporters Tuesday outside the House Intelligence Committee.

Rep. Zeldin, a Long Island Republican, said that many Americans are “disgusted” with the partisan effort to unseat a duly elected president that has set aside the nation’s business on important matters.

“It’s all to appease an enraged liberal activist base insisting on resisting, impeaching, opposing and obstructing everything and anything,” Zeldin said, surrounded by other Republican lawmakers.

He said that a few select Democrats are holding the country hostage, as they “instill fear on the part of their colleagues in their own conference.”

“If we sound like we’re pissed as we stand here, it’s because we are,” Zeldin insisted.

“The American people are getting screwed by an enraged liberal activist base that’s demanding impeachment,” he added. “They don’t even care what the crime was, they don’t care what the facts are. They don’t care what the evidence is.”


In this next clip, Rep. Zeldin gives a brief rundown of all the lies Schiff and crew have been telling about Amb. Volker’s testimony last week.

He made note of several Schiff lies that Amb. Volker testified to: The Ambassador knew nothing of a hold on U.S. aid to Ukraine or a quid pro quo [that’s Joe Biden’s job]; at the next day’s meeting President Zelensky had no idea there was a hold on aid; there was no reference by Ukraine over the ensuing several weeks to a hold on aid or a quid pro quo; the entire time, the aid was going to be released and it was released; and it was absolutely untrue that the President wanted Zelensky to dig up dirt on the Bidens.

Schiff also lied about having contact with the [fake] whistleblower and he lied about what the transcribed interview said.

Rep. Zeldin told the media that they were being misled and many of them were “playing along” with it.

The American public is getting deceived, he said emphatically [to the corrupt media who know that’s true].

This is good:

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