Police Release Paul Pelosi’s DUI Dashcam Test


Paul Pelosi crashed his 2021 Porsche into another driver’s 2014 Jeep which sustained “major collision damage”. The crash was around 10:17 p.m. on May 28, and responding officers found Pelosi in the driver’s seat in his damaged car near the intersection of California Route 29 and Oakville Cross Road.

He was given work release and had served two days in jail after pleading guilty. Mr. Pelosi, 82, has to attend a three-month drinking driver class. He also is required to install an ignition interlock device, which prevents a vehicle from starting if the driver has been drinking alcohol. He also has to pay $7,000 in fines. He gets three years probation.

It was his first DUI.

Pelosi can be heard telling an officer he had a “glass of champagne before dinner” and also “a glass of white.”

The multi-multimillionaire husband of Speaker Pelosi told the officers he started drinking around 7 p.m. and finished around 8. After stops at the hospital, the local CHP office and finally the county jail, investigators determined he had a blood-alcohol content of .082%. Several hours had passed.

On the dashcam video, Pelosi seems to exhibit “signs of impairment” during field sobriety tests. Officers “observed objective signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication,” according to the documents.

He had red, watery eyes and appeared “unsteady on his feet.”

“He’s constantly grabbing onto the patrol car just to keep his balance,” one officer can be heard telling another as they discuss the situation. At the same time, Pelosi can be seen walking in front of the dashcam with his hand on the front push bar.

YouTube keeps taking the videos down so we put two up. They probably won’t take ABC’s down.

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