Polish Farmers Protest to Eviscerate the ‘Green Deal’


On Wednesday, Polish farmers blocked roads with tractors and flares in escalating protests against EU environmental regulations and cheap food imports from neighboring Ukraine. The bloc had extended the quota deal with Ukraine.

According to Reuters, placards depicted a farmer swinging from a gallows next to wind farms and an EU-emblazoned executioner with the words: “Green Deal equals the death of Polish agriculture,” referring to the bloc’s plan to tackle climate change.

Farmers in Poland and elsewhere demand the re-imposition of customs duties on agricultural imports from Ukraine that were waived after Russia’s invasion in 2022.

They say Ukraine’s farmers are flooding Europe with cheap imports that leave them unable to compete.

The farmers also want the Green Deal eviscerated.

“We demand the withdrawal of the ‘Green Deal’ as a whole, we demand the withdrawal of the ‘Fit for 55’ (EU climate plan), the limits on all emissions, all the bans and orders,” said protest organizer Lukasz Komorowski, speaking to fellow rallying farmers at the Zakret blockade.

Polish farmers are still out protesting today, with hundreds more protests planned. They have been incredibly patient.

In this clip, the Polish farmers are blocking the border crossings with Ukraine, and nothing goes through. They will not allow the entry of imports of Ukrainian grain and agricultural products that destroy European farmers.

The farmers are blocking the border with Germany to protest the green agenda.

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