Politico: European Apocalypse Is Now & It’s Trump’s Fault


Politico fears that European socialism is failing, and they are blaming… who else… Donald Trump and tariffs. However, Europe’s problems pre-dated Donald Trump. Peter St. Onge says the problem destroying Europe is the same as the US economy.

It’s “overtaxing, overregulating, green uniform farts, and a government that has cannibalized the private sector,” says Dr. St. Onge.

One recent example the Sentinel mentioned is the new surprise tax on California businesses. They couldn’t repay the federal loan used for all their entitlements to buy votes, so they decided to lay the debt on small businesses before Christmas. Surprise!

You won’t find any inventions in Europe, just fat green spending. Europe somehow thinks it just happened because Trump threatened tariffs. They’re de-industrializing, and Germany’s trying to run a country by chopping down trees. It’s madness.

How dumb can ideology make people? Very!

Watch St. Onge succinctly explain the problem in three minutes.

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