President Trump has joined the rebellion against an overly-extended lockdown. He told the governors they call the shots, but there is a limit apparently. He’s calling for the liberation of Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia.
Those three states are among the worst when it comes to draconian rules and stepping all over the Bill of Rights.
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President Trump is joining the revolt against the leftist governors. Protests are popping up nationwide and will worsen as governors become unreasonable. Some already crossed the Rubicon.
Governors — especially Michigan’s Hitlerian Gretchen Whitmer — have attracted protests from constituents complaining that the stay at home orders to prevent the spread of the deadly virus have trampled on their liberty.
Whitmer won’t let Home Depot sell seeds and garden products even though the store is open. She won’t let people travel between two homes they own. When she was asked about trampling on peoples’ rights, she said it didn’t matter because it’s snowing.
On Wednesday, thousands of protesters showed up to Michigan’s state capitol in their vehicles to demonstrate against the order.
The protest – called ‘Operation Gridlock – was devised by the Michigan Conservative Coalition and the Michigan Freedom Fund, which is allegedly linked to the family of Trump’s Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Â The family did not get involved with the protest nor did they donate any funds towards it.
And on Friday, protesters showed up outside the residence of Minnesota’s Democratic Gov. Tim Walz, saying they, too, wanted to get back to work – despite widespread COVID-19 testing not being available yet. The testing is mostly a canard. You could test negative on Monday and have the virus on Tuesday. You’re better off taking temperatures and wearing masks.
Governors — especially Virginia’s Ralph Northam — have been extending business closures.
On Wednesday Northam announced that entertainment businesses in the commonwealth, including movie theaters and gyms, would remain closed through May 8.
Previously that policy was set to expire on April 23.
Blackface Ralph ‘Coonman’ Northam has taken advantage of the opportunity to pass more than 1200 unnecessary laws including stringent gun laws the people really don’t want.
President Trump must think they are going too far because he made it clear he shares the governors’ opinions. Apparently, that is not without its limitations. He is sending a message — don’t go too far.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
He also called out evil Pelosi:
Today people started losing their jobs because of Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, who should immediately come back to Washington and approve legislation to help families in America. End your ENDLESS VACATION!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020