President to sign executive order on immigration giving DACA a path to citizenship


President Trump will sign a major immigration bill and it will include DACA. He plans to give DACA a path to citizenship. It means their families will also likely stay. DACA are predicted to vote overwhelmingly for Democrats and their numbers might be enough to turn the election against Republicans in perpetuity. He’s likely betting it will help Republicans win Hispanic votes in November.

It is another amnesty and the past amnesties are mainly why this country is heading towards communism.

Daily Caller secured a memo by Soros’s Center for American Progress which emphasized the importance of passing DACA legislation.  As the memo phrased it, it’s a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

That doesn’t mean it’s a foregone conclusion, however.

The move does set a precedent and pushes us closer to open borders.

However, many of the DACAs have been in this country for a long time and all were taken here by their parents when they were young. No one is going to deport them and they are here to stay, but should they vote? Next time Democrats are in power, they will do what the President is planning anyway.

In the clip below, President Trump mentions 700,000 DACA, but there are actually over 3 million, at last count by the left-wing Policy Migration Center.


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