Project Veritas Implodes


by Mark Schwendau

News about the conservative nonprofit news website Project Veritas (PV), known for its hidden camera sting news reports, has been twofold this week. First, founder James O’Keefe is under investigation by a suburban New York prosecutor’s office over allegations he mistreated workers and misspent organization funds.

In February, O’ Keefe was forced out of the organization shortly after he did an explosive gotcha hidden camera interview of a gay black executive, Jordon Trishton Walker. Walker claimed his company [Pfizer] was exploring a way to “mutate” COVID via “Directed Evolution” to preempt the development of future vaccines. We reported on this story and video in late January here.

This week, a Westchester County district attorney’s office confirmed it is “looking into” matters concerning James O’Keefe, who was suspended in February from PV and later fired as chairman and CEO by the Project Veritas board. The board gave an excuse at that time he spent “an excessive amount of donor funds” on personal luxuries.

The Nation first reported news of this legal probe. Jin Whang, a spokesperson for District Attorney Mimi Rocah, declined to discuss the subject or details of the investigation. Whang cautioned reporters that investigations could have a variety of outcomes, not necessarily resulting in criminal charges.

O’Keefe’s lawyer, Jeffrey Lichtman, blamed this current round of legal troubles on “disgruntled former employees of Project Veritas who had a problem with their CEO using too many car services to pay for fundraising efforts which paid their salaries.”

“We were told by the new Project Veritas CEO that the investigation had ended,” Lichtman said. “If it’s not, we will crush it in court.”

The organization alleges O’Keefe’s lavish spending included: $10,000 for a helicopter flight from New York to Maine, more than $150,000 on private car services over 18 months span, and expensive stays in luxury hotel suites while other employees were forced to stay in budget accommodations.

Last year, two Florida residents pled guilty to selling a diary and other items from President Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden, to Project Veritas for $40,000. O’Keefe opted not to run with the story as he could not confirm the authenticity of the diary as that of Biden’s daughter, and the confessions of Joe Biden inappropriately showering with his underage daughter made him uncomfortable.

Nonetheless, the Joe Biden Brown Shirts of the FBI still took it upon themselves to raid the home and office of O’Keefe even though he had freely offered the diary in question to them previously. The FBI searched the PV Mamaroneck, New York, offices and the homes of several employees in 2021.

The hysterical thing about these actions is the FBI and Joe Biden inadvertently confirmed the diary as legit as well as all of the allegations therein. Why else would they go after a bogus counterfeit diary?

Neither Project Veritas nor any staffers have been charged with any crimes as they claim the First Amendment protects its activities. The truth is, thanks to O’Keefe, they did nothing wrong or inappropriate.

Disgruntled employees seem to be a recurring theme of Project Veritas, as just today, the TimCast podcast reported.

Post Millennial reported, “Five people were let go on Monday, including the executive news producer Pam Browne. She was brought in by O’Keefe last year.

Some of those fired were allegedly released in retaliation for their undercover work. Those who are left are primarily administrative, and about 20 were fired Thursday.

One would have to be an extremely slow thinker not to draw the correlation between the removal of James O’Keefe from Project Veritas over his expose of the Pfizer corruption.

Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau


Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.”  His website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.

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