“Providence” Spares Trump, 269 Years After Sparing Future Pres. George Washington


In July of 1755, future U.S. President George Washington commanded troops during the French and Indian War.  During the Battle of the Monongahela, later to become Pittsburg, Indians were given specific instructions to shoot officers first and anyone on a horse.

When officers and the men around him were being shot down, Washington rode forward to take command of the remaining forces. During the battle, he had two horses shot out from under him.

1500 British and colonial forces took part in the battle. Of those, 714 were killed, and 37 other wounded. Of the 86 officers, 26 were killed and 37 wounded. The mounted officers fared even worse; Washington was the only survivor.

Only after the retreat was finally called did Washington realize his coat had four musket ball holes in it, an additional one in his hat, and a fragment remaining in his hair.

[[File:George Washington 1755 (cropped).png|George_Washington_1755_(cropped)]]

He told his family in a letter that, “By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation.”

Almost to the day, 269 years later, just a short distance from Pittsburg, former President Donald Trump miraculously survived an assassin’s bullet because of a barely detectable turn of his head.

It’s fair to say Providence has protected him “beyond all human probability or expectation.”

May God continue to bless America.

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