Racist Warner Bros nixes white director for black superman movie


Warner Bros has hired a black, racist writer Ta Nehisi Coates, to come up with the movie script for a new movie, the Black Superman Story. He’s not even the best writer around, but he’s black and that’s all that counts. This is the new WOKE Warners Brothers.

Woke and racist are synonymous now.

The Hollywood Reporter proudly makes note of the fact that they are looking for only black people to do it all, and are looking for a black director. The piece unabashedly excludes the film’s producer J.J. Abrams as a candidate purely because it would be “tone-deaf.”

Meanwhile, Abrams is the best science fiction director out there.

But insiders say Warners [sic] and DC are committed to hiring a Black director to tackle what will be the first cinematic incarnation of Superman featuring a Black actor, with one source adding that putting Abrams at the helm would be “tone-deaf.”

He is being dumped because he’s white.

Woke-aholics are making systemic racism great again.

Also, Warner Bros is casting a gay Green Lantern, via Hollywood Reporter:

Diversity and representation remain key drivers of the DC universe moving forward. Warners [sic] is developing a Latino Blue Beetle movie with Angel Manuel Soto attached to direct, and HBO Max is casting for a gay Green Lantern character for an upcoming series.

They are changing characters to meet their insane, bizarre, bigoted, absolutely crazy, tribal view of the world.

What next — The Tale of Two Cities, with transgender black characters in Somalia?

There’s only one Superman and one planet Krypton. The Kryptonian race is WHITE! Get your own heroes Warner Brother’s racists.

I used to see nearly every movie the studios put out. Now, I go to none, this one included.

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