Radical ASU Students Demand Expulsion of Kyle Rittenhouse


Kyle Rittenhouse, who killed two radical men and wounded another in self-defense as they were attacking him, was thrilled to be accepted into ASU.

Radical leftist groups want the “bloodthirsty killer” off-campus and out of the school to allegedly protect students. So far, Kyle Rittenhouse is taking classes online, although he might want to attend in person at some point.

The radical and racist student organizations include MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán), Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition are planning a rally this week to “get murderer Kyle Rittenhouse off [the] campus.”

All of these groups want to overturn the government and MEChA wants to give it back to so-called indigenous people and call the new land Aztlan.

They issued woke demands, and organizers are calling students and faculty to attend the rally. They want to “protect students from a violent, blood-thirsty murderer.”

The communistas are also calling on the school to defund campus police and redistribute the funds to the school’s so-called “all-inclusive” multicultural center, a safe space where two black students recently harassed two white, male students, studying because they are white.

Another demand is for the university to issue a statement on white supremacy. What the left means by white supremacy is every white person is a supremacist and shouldn’t be in any leadership roles anywhere.

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