Radical Leftist Rep. Raskin Defends Kicking Trump Off the Ballot


Far-left Jamie Raskin, son of a communist professor, tried to make the case to kick Trump off the ballot as the most democratic move. He’s a typical radical leftist, trying to get his way by lying. The truth means nothing when it comes to leftist goals.

The riot and rally of J6 was not an insurrection. The rally on J6 turned into a trespass by some. Some rioted.

“I think that the urgency is for the Supreme Court to act, but I think it’s going to be tough for some of them if they want to keep Trump on the ballot if they’re falling for the argument that this is undemocratic,” Raskin told CNN.

”I mean, is it undemocratic that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jennifer Granholm can’t run for president because they weren’t born in the country? If you think about it, of all the forms of disqualification we have, the one that disqualifies people for engaging in insurrection is the most democratic.”

In other words, he has, on his own, convicted Donald Trump of insurrection and agrees with the Maine know-nothing secretary of state who accused Donald Trump of insurrection – Trump has never been charged with it, much less convicted.

Where does it say in the Constitution that a representative or a secretary of state can unilaterally decide someone is guilty of insurrection? For over a year at least, Raskin has pushed for using the 14th Amendment, section 3.

Raskin is just like his father, a former SDS radical.

Jamie Raskin
Then he insisted Justice Clarence Thomas recuse himself from the DC case because of the fake ethics case.

“Well, finally, the Supreme Court has developed what they’re describing as a code of ethics. It’s not binding in the sense that they’re not going to anyone else. They could have gone to, for example, circuit court justices. You could have had state Supreme Court justices on a panel. But so they’re deciding for themselves, again, whether they’re in violation of their code of ethics,” Raskin said.

“But I think anybody looking at this in any kind of dispassionate, reasonable way would say if your wife was involved in the big lie and claiming that Donald Trump had actually won the presidential election, had been agitating for that and participating in the events leading up to January 6th, that you shouldn’t be participating in… So he should recuse himself.”

Raskin isn’t stupid, and he is educated. He’s willing to distort the Constitution to get what he wants. He was on the J6 panel that failed to give Donald Trump due process or any rights. he is a most undemocratic representative – ironic.


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