RCMP Texts: “Time for Protesters to Hear Our Jackboots on the Ground”


Leaked texts expose the RCMP as, well, what they are.

“Time for protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground,” writes an RCMP named Andrew Nixon.

“Wowowowo Nixon, this is a kinder, gentler RCMP,” RCMP Robin Thibault responded.

An RCMP named Marca Corsi, texting with Nixon said the woman who was run over by an RCMP on a horse. Apparently, they think the horse tripped on the woman’s walker. They don’t think the elderly woman who was trampled threw a bike at the horse as the police originally said. But, it’s worse than that.

“Just watched the horse video – that is awesome!!!” says Marca.

“We should practice that maneuver,” was the response.

Marca said, “Agreed!!!”

Nice, huh? If they did that to Antifa or Black Lives Matter, they’d be fired and brought up on charges. But, in this case, they might get medals.

I used to think so highly of the RCMP – Sgt. Preston of the Yukon – but that was last week.

There are more texts on a piece praising a mean texter named RCMP Scott Peever, there are two of the texts below. Peever put up a post about the RCMP and he included a nice letter from someone who was thanking and praising him, but the texts were added to his post.

Now, we must add a caveat here, we can’t swear these are all accurate. However, it came from Rebel News and they are a good news source.

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