Real Reason Goldberg & Hayes Left Fox Has Nothing to Do with Tucker


Earlier, we reported that Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg were leaving Fox in protest of Tucker Carlson, especially over his opinion documentary about the January 6 Capitol riot. It was obnoxious. Seriously, who do these two think they are?

Well, as it turns out they weren’t very honest.

According to the Washington Post, Fox News wasn’t planning on renewing their contracts when they expired next year.

A Fox News executive said the network had not planned to re-sign Goldberg and Hayes when their contract expired next year, WaPo reports.

While it is not uncommon for paid commentators to exit, often for new opportunities at rival television networks, it is extremely unusual for longtime pundits to burn down their former employer on the way out, WaPo says.

The only recent precedent at Fox News is Ralph Peters, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel who called out the network in a scathing 2018 internal memo conveying to colleagues his reasons for not renewing his contract as a strategic analyst.

Peters seemed to go insane. All three of these people were never Trumpers pretending to be conservatives.

Bill Kristol, a far-Left creep praised their move. Figures!

Donald Trump was the most conservative president we had since Ronald Reagan. If they were true conservatives, they would have supported him. They’re total frauds.

These two are also jealous of Tucker. there is no doubt.

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