Update: In a voice message posted on his Telegram channel, Prigozhin said that Wagner received “a military instruction … in which we were promised as much ammunition and weapons as we need to continue our activities.”
“We were told that we can carry out activities in Artyomovsk as we deem necessary,” Prigozhin added.
Russia’s paramilitary partner is pulling out of Ukraine’s hotly contested battle in Bahkmut. Yevgeniy Prigozhin, head of the Wagner Group, posted a video on Telegram in front of dead Wagner soldiers claiming the Russian military is only providing 30% of the ammunition his soldiers need.
“I am withdrawing the Wagner units from Bakhmut because in the absence of ammunition, they are doomed to senseless death…Whoever has criticisms, you’re welcome to come to Bakhmut and stand with weapons in your hands instead of our killed comrades,”
The powerful oligarch went into a profanity-laced tirade against the Russian defense minister and other Russian officials over their specific failures in the Ukraine war.
He has been close to President Putin and was recruited by him.
This is a very big deal. The Wagner Group has been winning most of the brutal battles.
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— Maura (@indiesentinel) May 5, 2023