Rep. Crenshaw Goes Full RINO Six Days Before the Election


Why would Rep. Crenshaw go on a podcast, Hold These Truths, with Nick Troiano for less than a week before the elections to make America First candidates look bad?

Troiano said that most of the Republican nominees for the House “aren’t accepting the results of the 2020 election.”

Troiano asked Crenshaw what that meant for the future and claimed, “this is a, you know, real threat to our ability to keep the republic.”

Crenshaw claimed that people who question election results are attention seekers.

“I have two ways of thinking about that particular issue. It’s more of a threat of people just willing to say anything to get attention,” Crenshaw said. “I mean the good news is none of these people will ever have any power to overturn elections, right? This was — it was always a lie. It was always a lie. The whole thing was always a lie. And it was a lie meant to rile people up.”

“I’ve talked about this ad nausea; it really made me angry. Cause I’m like, the promises you’re making that you’re gonna challenge the electoral college and overturn the election, there’s not even a process for you to do that,” he continued. “It doesn’t even exist. So I was like, ‘What the hell are we doing?’ And I would tell that to people kinda behind closed doors too.”

Crenshaw blasted “rabble-rouser” “political personalities” for riling people up about being able to overturn the results.

“Especially a lot of the rabble-rousers, like the political personalities, not even the politicians,” Crenshaw said.

“But even just the others, they’re like, ‘Yeah, we know that, but we just, you know, people just need their last hurrah. Like, they just need to feel like we fought one last time. Trust me; it’ll be fine.’ And I was like, ‘No, it won’t,’” he continued. “‘That’s not what people believe, and that’s not what you’re telling them. And maybe you’re smart enough to know that, but like–‘ So we have a lot of people in the political world that are just willing to say things they know aren’t true, they know aren’t true. It’s a huge manipulation.”

He doesn’t think much of our intelligence or ability to think on our own.

Crenshaw said that candidates questioning the results “to grab people’s attention” is a “threat.”

“I actually don’t think it’s the biggest threat to democracy as you do, simply because it can’t be done. But on the other hand, I think the bigger — the more generic threat is this extreme willingness to say the most extreme things just to grab people’s attention and then people’s willingness to believe some of it,” he said, finishing up.

Crenshaw is a threat by making comments like this before the election. I don’t remember him saying a word when Democrats called Donald Trump an illegitimate president and the election illegitimate. Democrats would never hurt their own. They just don’t do it.


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