Patrick Howley at The National File released a tape of the fake Georgia governor Stacey Abrams in 2014 during which she plotted against whites. This took place during a conference billed “ Race will win the race: the progressive path to victory.”
During the conference, she talked of a plan to change the racial demographics to prevent a so-called “minority conservative coalition” from governing the south.
She said white conservatives are dangerous.
Stacey Abrams revealed her plan to use re-districting to stop white people from governing at a conference billed “Race Will Win The Race: The Progressive Path To Victory”
— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) April 26, 2020
Her plan is the same redistricting plan [commie] George Soros has for the USA.
Her racism was obvious before this tape was released, but the media keeps it quiet.
In a barely disguised essay against whites in 2019, Abrams called for a revolution against whites. Her 22-page essay for Foreign Policy Magazine, claims illogically that “the less we have in common the more united we will be.” Most of her article is irrational and dishonest. It’s entirely vile as she calls for all the identity groups to overthrow the only people left out of her purported victimized classes — whites.
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Tucker Carlson got to the essence of her article, ‘Identity Politics Strengthens Democracy.‘ Carlson said on his show, “…if you want to understand what the Democratic party seeks for this country you ought to read the piece.”
“Abrams spends the bulk of the piece calling on what she describes as the ‘marginalized’ to unite against the ‘dominant groups,’” he explained.
“So who is marginalized and who is dominant?” Carlson asked. “It’s not a small question, in the scheme of identity politics it is the only question that matters. Everything rides on who was the victim and who is the oppressor, that’s the entire equation. And Abrams spells out the answer in very clear language. The marginalized, she writes, include “women, Native Americans, African-Americans, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community.”
“The dominant are [sic] everyone who is left, so do the subtraction,” Carlson concluded.
“That’s only one group, you know exactly who they are and so does Stacey Abrams. She says these people, these unnamed people, are responsible for the suffering of everyone else and we need to overthrow them. She uses the language of violence and war to describe what must come next: “politics is the most effective method of revolt.”
“Revolt. People get hurt in revolts, that’s the nature of revolts. Stacey Abrams knows that she wants one anyway, she doesn’t hide it. Demagoguery like this would make a kind of sense if your only interest was in winning elections and you didn’t care about what happened afterward, that’s where Democrats are right now.