Report out of China that Wuhan Virus might have originated in the research lab


A study out of China speculated in February that the deadly virus came out of local laboratories in Hubei Province. It links to horseshoe bats which are allegedly not sold in the Wuhan wet markets. The bats are about 56 miles out of Wuhan.

The local labs, however, according to the study, use bats for their animal experimentation.

That could explain why China allowed the wet markets to re-open!

The NIH says these accusations are “outrageous” and conspiratorial, but how do we know that? Why not try to look into the possibility?

According to a report in February from the Australian news service, “Scientists from South China University of Technology in Guangzhou wrote and published a paper speculating that a centre for disease control near a Wuhan seafood market may be ground zero for the virus.”

The researchers were speculating at the time, but they wrote that bats are used in the research lab “within 280 metres of the Huanan Seafood Market.”

The researchers wrote: “According to municipal reports and the testimonies of 31 residents and 28 visitors, the bat was never a food source in the city, and no bat was traded in the market.”

’60 Minutes’ in Australia did a segment on it that was never aired in the United States.

Watch the Tucker Carlson segment:

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