Reporters tried to get answers on the border crisis today, nice try!


Border czar Roberta Jacobson, dubbed the “Southern Border Ambassador,” said today at the White House press briefing that Joe Biden’s border policies are the reason the border is being overwhelmed and that we aren’t as secure at our border to the south as we were under Donald Trump.

Peter Doocy said, “Do you think it’s a coincidence that as soon as Trump and his immigration policy were on the way out, and Biden and his stated policy were on the way in, this historic surge at the border started?”

“Surges tend to respond to hope,” said Czar Jacobson. “I don’t know if I’d call that a coincidence.”

She said there “was a pent-up demand” and this is a more humane policy. [There is nothing humane about this policy. Biden’s in cahoots with cartels, allowing drugs and trafficking while kids are coming in with criminals. Many of these children are abused by the criminals. Criminals are also pouring into our country.]

“May have driven people to make that decision,” she finally said truthfully.

She is basically admitting it. These people are such liars.


Press Secretary Jen Psaki blamed Donald Trump, claiming having borders was immoral.


When confronted, she won’t admit there is a crisis. She circled around a lot and stated that we didn’t “need to sit here and put new labels on what we have already conveyed is challenging.”

Another answer that defied all logic was when she was asked for more details on the number of migrants being held at the border.

Psaki also likes to tell reporters to go to the DHS with the questions. Isn’t that what she is supposed to do – answer questions?

She told the reporter that DHS was not the White House’s “program” and advised them to keep checking with DHS. Huh? What? Is DHS an independent rogue agency?

No one has answers and no one is prepared, but perhaps they will one day circle around.


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