Reps Blew $1.5T Overnight on Ukraine, Raises, and Freebies


House Democrats passed President Biden’s $1.5 trillion bipartisan budget deal Wednesday, which includes nearly $14 billion in emergency aid to Ukraine and billions in congressional pet projects via legislative earmarks, The Washington Times reported.

By a margin of 260-to-171, the House approved the domestic funding provisions totaling $730 billion. Overall, 39 Republicans joined with nearly every Democrat to secure passage.

The $782 billion defense portion of the budget, meanwhile, passed by a much larger margin. In total, 155 Republicans voted with every single Democrat in favor. Most lawmakers cited the inclusion of nearly $14 billion in aid to Ukraine as their reason.

They are eager to protect Ukraine’s borders and sovereignty but not that of the US as anonymous people from all over the world pour across our borders unvetted.

They Didn’t Read It

Pelosi gave Republicans 24 hours, from 1 am Tuesday, to read 2700+ pages of one bill and two other bills. Still, 39 Republicans voted for it even though they can’t possibly know what’s in it.

Budget experts at the Heritage Foundation say that “an above-average college student can read about 13 pages of technical material an hour.” They note that by those standards it would take lawmakers more than 396 hours to read and understand the full bill.

The $1.5 trillion budget bill poses a major victory for Mr. Biden and the Democratic agenda simply because the federal government is operating with funding levels approved by Congress under President Trump, The Washington Times reports.


Among other things, the budget will spend $11 billion to construct new affordable housing, boost overall domestic spending by 6.7% to $730 billion, much of which will go to social welfare programs; increase the budget of the Internal Revenue Service by $675 million to bolster tax enforcement; and provide $15 billion for military and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and its neighboring NATO allies.

The bill also includes a 21% increase for lawmakers’ office budgets within the House, boosting the spending on office budgets by more than $134 million. The increase brings the total funding of House offices to more than $774 million — the highest since 1996.

The Senate, meanwhile, is poised to receive a $1.1 billion boost for “salaries and operations.” Of that sum, $7 million is earmarked for paying interns, while the rest goes to bolstering the office and committee budgets of individual senators.


Congresswoman Kat Cammack said Wednesday that Congress was given three bills including a 2700-page Omnibus bill at 1 am in the morning last night and Speaker Pelosi is forcing them to vote Wednesday night. The Spending bill will only be good for four days because Democrats want to rush off to a retreat.

Congresswoman Cammack said there is a lot of pork

The government is run like a circus with a dictatorial Speaker pushing more welfare and other freebies without giving members time to read the bill.

What I don’t understand is why all the conservatives don’t get together and each take a certain number of pages instead of each Rep replicating the reading of the same pages?


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