Researcher Wants X to Censor What They’re Told to Censor


On Sunday, Kate Starbird, who some call “Comrade Starbird,” was on 60 Minutes to complain about free speech, one of her pet peeves. Starbird is an associate professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering The segment was titled “The Right to be Wrong.”

Starbird co-founded the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, which was formed in 2019 to resist strategic misinformation, promote an informed society, and strengthen democratic discourse. It vigorously participates in a censorship complex tied to the government.

The Supreme Court is currently considering a very important free speech case out of Missouri, which is why the legacy media is giving a platform to people who some say, including me, are anti-free speech. They say they are anti-hate speech and misinformation.

The Supreme Court is considering whether the platforms are like newspapers, which have free speech rights to make their own editorial decisions, or if they’re more like telephone companies that merely transmit everyone’s speech.

Subjects That Must Be Controlled
Tom Elliott wrote on X:

Last night 60Minutes ran a 13-minute segment decrying how unseriously on X takes “misinformation researchers,” aka govt-aligned censors. Lesley R Stahl singled out Jim Jordan for “chilling” the work of these SpeechCops.

“Ironically, Stahl’s segment was itself rife with misinformation, falsely claiming no one is dying from Covid vaccines, that Russia used social media to manipulate the 2016 election, that “no one” questions the legitimacy of the 2020 election, etc.

“Once again, their anger is not about X becoming a safe haven for misinformation; they’re angry that it’s now harder for them to seed misinformation without being called out.

“There were so many stupid parts of this I wanted to focus on; I ultimately decided to just post the whole segment. Note the patronizing tone of Stahl’s voice as she belittles the principle of free speech.

“It’s clear Stahl & the “misinformation experts” she features see the American people not as fellow countrymen with whom they share common values, but rather subjects that must be controlled.”


CBS Interviewed Starbird and Rep. Jordan

CBS News claims that if the “laws are upheld, the platforms could be forced to carry hate speech and false medical information, the very content most big tech companies have spent years trying to remove through teams of content moderators. But in the process, conservatives claim that the companies have engaged in a conspiracy to suppress their speech.”

Starbird is one of the most prolific censors. She opposed doctors’ opinions on the COVID vaccine even though she’s a computer scientist, not a doctor.

Lesley Stahl noted that social media platforms often ignore Starbird’s suggestions. She is especially concerned about X.

Kate Starbird responded. “The statistics I’ve seen are just for the Twitter platform. But my understanding is that they responded to about 30% of the things that we sent them. And, I think on a majority of those, they put labels.”

As a left-wing researcher, she said conservatives are “absolutely” spreading more disinformation. Her example were claims about the election being stolen and Antifa at the Capitol on J6.

Lesley Stahl asked Jim Jordan, So how big a problem is mis and disinformation on the web?

Newt Was Censored for a Truthful Statement

Rep. Jim Jordan: Well, I’m sure there’s some. But I think, you know– our concern is the bigger problem of the attack on First Amendment liberties.

Congressman Jordan’s Judiciary Committee produced a report that concluded there’s a “censorship industrial complex.” The federal government and tech companies colluded with academic researchers to silence conservatives disproportionately.

Kate Starbird denies that with all her heart.

But Congressman Jordan says her group unfairly flagged posts like this tweet by Newt Gingrich:

“Pennsylvania democrats are methodically changing the rules so they can steal the election.”  [They changed the rules right before the election, and the changes favored Joe Biden.]

Rep. Jim Jordan: A great example, 36 hours into the Biden administration, the– the Biden White House sends– a email to Twitter and says, “We think you should take down this tweet ASAP.”

The Problem Is the Government Doing It

He says that just a call alone from the government can be unnerving.

Rep. Jim Jordan said, You can’t have the government say, “Hey, we want you to do X.” The Government has the ability to regulate these private companies. Government has the ability to tax these private companies.

Short clip via Texas Lindsey.

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