RFK Jr. Could Leave This Democrat Party to Restore It


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., banned from MSNBC and CNN, sat down for an interview with Forbes. He’s looking at ways to circumvent the rigged primary. If he can’t, he will look at alternatives.

He is very disturbed by the fact that the DNC is using undemocratic processes to destroy the primary. The DNC wants to choose the candidate alone, without the people, and they’ve chosen Joe Biden. During the interview, RFK signaled that if they don’t make it fair, he will look at alternatives. While he did not spell out what those alternatives would be, running as a third-party candidate or forming a new Democrat party are alternatives.

Kennedy said, “They’re essentially… fixing the process so that it makes it almost impossible to have democracy function. They’re effectively disenfranchising the democratic voters from having any choice on … who becomes the Democratic nominee. …

That is troublesome since a majority of Democrats don’t want Joe Biden.

“They’ve moved the Iowa primary, made rules that if … any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or sets foot in the state of New Hampshire that none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied. In other words, any delegate that I win in New Hampshire or Iowa would go instead to the President, and now they’re trying to change it so that if I can’t be in New Hampshire, none of the votes cast for me in Georgia will count. And that’s significant because it’s hard to win the nomination without Georgia.

“We’re looking at tabulations. If you add up all the Super Delegates that they control and all of the automatic delegates that just go to the party… I would have to [have] 80% of all of the states in order to beat President Biden, even if he only wins 20%.”

The interviewer asked what his strategy for defeating the president given these rules.

RFK said, “They’re now considering forcing me to actually pay for the primaries, and their logic is that you don’t need a primary cause they already have a candidate, and therefore I’m costing them all this money, and that money should be paid for by me and you know maybe Marianne Williams.

He continued. “You… live at a time in American history when a lot of Americans feel I think that democracy is broken, that the system, the political system is rigged, and that there’s not really any democracy. And unfortunately, the DNC is taking a lot of steps that confirm that outlook.”

He said he would continue campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Mr. Kennedy added that the DNC has $2 billion to produce slick ads, and Biden doesn’t have to do much. His rallies will be heavily orchestrated.

“President Biden is talking to his donors … he’s living in a bubble and you know … he’s only talking to the very wealthy Americans who aren’t enduring any of the hardships that are facing the majority of the people in this country. You know, 57% of the people in this country can’t put their hands on $1000 if there is an emergency.”

The interviewer asked, “What is the route to victory for you against President Biden?”

“Oh, you know, if the DNC is going to make it, is going to rig it so that it is simply impossible for anybody to challenge President Biden … I need to look at other alternatives because I can’t go back to the people who support me and to my donors and say, you know, I’m just going …make a point. I need to show them a road to it.”

He doesn’t know what the alternatives would be, and he wants to see if the DNC will make the primary fairer.

However, one logical alternative is to leave the Democrat Party and restore the Democrat Party of his father and uncle, President John F. Kennedy.

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