RFK Jr Explains Why He Joined Donald Trump


RFK Jr. tells Tucker Carlson that the Democrats rig their own elections. They do it because they don’t trust the people to “have a real election.” This is what Democrats call “democracy.”

“They got rid of the primaries because they didn’t trust the people; they then handpicked Vice President Harris with no election, not even pretense of election, because they didn’t trust the people. They then handpicked Vice President Harris with no election, no even pretense of election because they didn’t trust the people.”

[Rush used to say that Democrats want to get rid of elections and will eventually. That is what we are seeing here.]

RFK spoke about the war machine.

“Well, what is the rest of the world think of American democracy right now that, you know, we have in one party, selected a man with dementia to lead the free world and then turned around and picked a person, I mean, who cannot give an interview. She cannot defend America, her vision … And she gave this, you know, vice President Harris gave this speech at the convention, written by neocons. And they had CIA directors talking at the Democratic Convention, military people talking at the Democratic convention.

“My father and my uncle were the party of anti-war. My uncle was asked by his best friend, Ben Bradley, one of his two best friends who ran the Washington Post. Yeah. What do you want on your graves? On your epitaph? And my uncle said immediately he kept the peace.

Tucker asked him if we could have a democracy with censorship.

“You cannot have a democracy,” RFK said. “And they’re absolutely incompatible, and everybody knew that – everybody.

“You know, you and I were raised reading Orwell, and Adolf Huxley and, and, you know, Robert Heinlein and Alexander Solzhenitsyn and, and all of these other books that were part of classical literature [that were] taught in every American classroom. It said the first step to totalitarianism always, begins with censorship. It’s the first step down that slippery slope. And there’s no time that we look back in history and say that people who are censoring speech were the good guys. They are always the bad guys, because we knew, you know, we know they’re the guys who are going to end up cracking the whip on us all. And, you know, being our, our overlords.

“And so, and then… a whole thing about like you and I talked about that clip of Tim [Walz], ‘What I’m saying that government should be the ultimate arbiter of what is protected speech and what is not,’ as if … the First Amendment does not protect misinformation and disinformation, but it does. The First Amendment was written to protect not only true speech but false speech … And it’s unnecessary to protect the kind of speech that everybody wants to hear. It’s there to protect the kind of speech that nobody wants to hear.”

RFK also said he will be on the transition team to help pick staff. Hopefully, it will be balanced.

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