A Republican congressional candidate in Washington, Joe Kent, isn’t too pleased with George W. Bush (probably doesn’t like his dad or former VP either). Joe Kent is a great candidate if you listen to his traditional stance on issues. If you like Bush’s wars, you might not like candidate Kent. He believes in a good defense and a strong military, just not unnecessary wars.
Mr. Kent is a retired Green Beret whose soldier wife was killed in action in 2019 fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan
He responded to Liz Cheney tweeting a photo of a smiling George W. with the comment, “I like Republican presidents who win re-election.”
As Kent said, “You also like Republican Presidents who’s [sic] lies cost us 7,000 dead Americans in wars based on lies.” She is a warmonger. There is no happy medium with her.
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There is also the fact that George W. barely won his election — if he actually won.
As it turns out, Bush ran as a conservative but led the country as a RINO. Today, he is pushing the open borders he also seemed to prefer as president. His good friends are far-left Democrats like the Obamas and Clintons
You also like Republican Presidents who’s lies cost us 7,000 dead Americans in wars based on lies. https://t.co/Qundu1Cj9t
— Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) September 26, 2021
Kent also called out the Biden administration liars:
They were not vetted, Biden lied, our people were killed to bring them here, they thank us by assaulting one of our own.
Deport them, protect our nation & our people. https://t.co/xqtwVPG8c9
— Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) September 25, 2021
He is also pushing back against the left’s bogeymen — masculine men.
Numerous positive outlets for masculinity have been taken from American men over the past 3-4 decades, watching sports was offered up as a cope.
We have to revive positive masculine institutions for men to save our culture. https://t.co/SkMzWh18JJ
— Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) September 24, 2021
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