Romney agrees to subpoena of Burisma witness with one condition


Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) will, under one condition, vote to subpoena a former consultant linked to Burisma Holdings, as part of a GOP probe into Hunter Biden and the Ukraine gas company. Yesterday, he made it clear he was most certainly opposed since it looks “political.” He expressed no such concerns over the three-year Russian collusion probe that turned out to be a hoax.

His spokesperson, Liz Johnson, said Friday that he will vote for the subpoena to request documents and an interview with former Blue Star Strategies consultant Andrii Telizhenko.

He agreed to it only after reassurances from Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) that the interview will take place in a closed setting.

[That allows leaking Dems to leak and Republicans will not leak. We might never know what took place.]

“Senator Romney has expressed his concerns to Chairman Johnson, who has confirmed that any interview of the witness would occur in a closed setting without a hearing or public spectacle. He will, therefore, vote to let the Chairman proceed to obtain the documents that have been offered,” Johnson said.

Senator Johnson is chair of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and Romney sits on the committee as the deciding vote.

Why is he on any committee?

Democrats wanted him to vote against it completely since they are fake-worried about mistakenly spreading “Russian misinformation or using the investigation to target former Vice President Joe Biden.”

Romney is giving Democrats the edge here since they gleefully share classified information or lie about it as it suits them, but the Republicans will not.

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