Rudy Says No One Seems to Care Kerry Is “Violating the Logan Act”


President Donald Trump’s top personal attorney Rudy Giuliani on Sunday said that “nobody seems to care” that former Secretary of State John Kerry  is ‘violating the Logan Act’ by covertly trying to save the Iran nuclear deal.

In an appearance on ABC’s ‘This Week’ where he was first discussing the payment to porn star/hooker/stripper Stormy Daniels.

He then pivoted to the fact that no one cares about private citizen John Kerry violating The Logan Act.

Kerry is working with Iran, Congress, and our foreign partners in the Iran nuke deal to save the deal. He is undermining the President and our foreign policy.

Former secretary of state John Kerry is one of the many insidious forces working to prevent President Trump from implementing his policies. He is undermining him with Iran, our foreign partners and Congress.

The Boston Globe reported that on Sunday two weeks ago, he engaged in some shadowy diplomacy with a top Iranian official in New York. He hopes to save the terrible nuke deal he helped negotiate.

His actions are illegal under the Logan Act.

According to the Globe, he sat down at the United Nations with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to discuss ways of preserving the pact limiting Iran’s nuclear weapons program. It was the second time they met on this issue.

Kerry has also met with EU leaders and members of Congress.

No one has given John Kerry that authority. Americans don’t seem to care. Congress doesn’t seem to care either.

The Democrat Party has been reduced to Stormy Daniels. The media only seems to care about Stormy and so-called comics mostly care about Stormy.

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