Salon Calls Christianity a “Toxic Religion”


Salon is calling Christianity a “toxic religion”. Salon is a toxic communist Democrat publication. White people, especially white men, police and all law enforcement, and Christianity are demonized by Democrats constantly.

Christianity under attack.

This is Stalinesque. Salon and fellow Democrats are trying to destroy religion, especially Christianity. Religion stands in the way of communism. They happily noted that religion is on the decline. If you said you were a Satanist, that would probably be fine with them.

The outlet then made this ridiculous pronouncement:

“In response to Americans losing interest in faith, Republicans are in a full-blown panic, lashing out and accusing everyone else — liberals, schools, immigrants, pop culture, you name it — for this shift in religious sentiment. Worse, more are advocating the use of force to counter this decline. If people don’t want religion, well, too bad. More Republicans are arguing that Christianity should not be optional — First Amendment be damned.”

So much better to be communists promoting purport blockers, mutilation surgeries of children, sexualizing children, killing the unborn children to the moment of birth, and all the other immoral ideas they have. The only people mandating anything are the communist Democrats.

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