Seattle Educators Lie to Get ‘Equity’ Training in a School District


Isn’t this nice. A Seattle-area school used a seemingly fake hate speech event to justify equity training for children. Our nation was formed on equality, not the Marxist notion of equity. However, this is what Democrats want for the USA and they will lie to get it.

According to emails shared with the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH, KiMS principal Niki Cassaro alleged there was “an increase in the use of racial and identity slurs.” She said the incidents were occurring across all grade levels and were “pervasive rather than a single isolated incident.” Consequently, the school conducted student training to discuss the importance of diversity and the dangers of hate speech and slurs. The district, through a spokesperson, confirmed the training came “in response to a trend” about biased behavior.

However, there is no evidence — none.

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