Seattle moves ahead with plans to completely abolish the police department


The radical leftists in the city of Seattle are moving ahead with plans to abolish the Seattle Police Department (SPD). The plan is to replace them with a new civilian-led “safety and violence prevention department” that will take over responsibilities stripped from the SPD. It’s now in resolution form.

City Journal editor Christopher Rufo sounded the alarm. In the proposed legislation, the council argues that the Seattle Police Department “[perpetuates] racism and violence” and upholds “white supremacy culture.”

According to leaked documents, they plan to abolish the city’s criminal justice system entirely. Expect to see legislation on that soon. They are traitors to the American form of government.


The Democratic leadership of the city of Seattle is planning to abolish its entire criminal justice system. That will include police, prisons, and municipal courts, according to leaked documents.

The plan came right after the decision to slash the police budget by 50 percent.

The documents were leaked from King County’s executive office. They will shut down the largest jail with no plans to replace it.

Rufo reports that the documents presented “a kind of chart and a pyramid” showing that the things that form the foundation of not just Seattle, but America’s criminal justice system “is white racism, white supremacy, white fragility, and a whole lot of other theories with the kind of the buzzwords that have been circulating lately.”

Mr. Rufo continues to say that the leaked documents claim crimes committed by people of color are not the fault of the criminal, but of society or, more specifically, white society.

“The logic is, well, if you have a racist society, that in essence forces people, especially people of color, to commit crimes,” he explained.

According to Rufo’s source, during the meetings, King County legal staff repeatedly called the county court system a “white supremacist organization” and even declared that light-skinned emojis in emails are racist symbols of “white approval.”

The executives predict that the decision to permanently close the jails will cause “stress, confusion, and a sense of overwhelm,” but ultimately “internal racism [will] come to the surface” and there will be a “shift in power structure,” Rufo said.

This is coming from the highest levels of state, country, and city government.

They’re insane and very extreme.


On this clip, Rufo discusses the critical race theory now out of control in Seattle:

Go to 03:48 to hear Mr. Rufo talk about not holding the homeless and others responsible for their behaviors. There are two justice systems in some major blue jurisdictions:

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