Sec. Mayorkas Takes No Responsibility for Child Sex Trafficking


Secretary Mayorkas said he has heard reports of child trafficking, and DHS does investigate child trafficking. According to him, these missing 300,000 children aren’t his problem, and that’s why the system is broken.

He is a serpent. Everything is the fault of an allegedly broken system when, in fact, Democrats broke it. He opened the borders, and you can’t vet thousands of people a day, to say nothing of the millions who sneak in and no one catches.

The meaning of fixing a broken system for Democrats is giving amnesty and a path to citizenship to every person who comes through our borders.

Mayorkas knows he is responsible, but the end justifies the means. And shame on the media for never calling him on his non-stop lies.

Brennan asked about incoming border czar Tom Homan, saying these children are being exploited and trafficked for criminal enterprises.

“Margaret,” Mayorkas said, “we certainly have received reports of children being trafficked, even those as to whom we know where they are. That is outside the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security.

“What we do is we turn children over within 72 hours, as the law requires, to the Department of Health and Human Services, and then HHS places those children.

“Of course, we investigate cases of trafficking, but there are children who are reunited with a parent here in the United States or a legal guardian, and they move, and sometimes the government loses track.

“Individuals do not comply with the reporting obligations or otherwise; I think it is inaccurate to say that all of them are trafficked or victimized. There are a number of reasons why we might lose track of an individual that is not necessarily specific to this administration.

“That has been a long-standing challenge in the immigration system. One example of why that system is so broken is why the duration of time in proceedings is unacceptably long and has to be remedied. Remember, we’re dealing with a system that was last reformed in 1996.”


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