Segregationist Joe: Juneteenth is to remember the nation’s “moral stain”


Segregationist Joe Biden says Juneteenth is “a day in which we remember the moral stain and the terrible toll that slavery took on the country—and continues to take.”

Biden’s vying for more black victims and more anti-white hate.

Juneteenth could have united us but, instead, Democrats weaponized it like they weaponize everything.

They are calling it Freedom Day while it is actually Emancipation Day. July 4th is Freedom Day. Democrats did this deliberately. It is very divisive.


Biden is a racist and a segregationist. The only reason he won the Senate when he was barely into his thirties was that the Dixiecrats, the Democrat segregationists, and Jim Crow proponents put him there.

Joe Biden was a good friend of the late Senator Robert C. Byrd. Biden eulogized Byrd when he died, claiming ‘Bob’ “elevated” the Senate but he left out the part where Byrd “exalted” the KKK. He called KKK Byrd the “embodiment” of his state.

Byrd was an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK.

In case you think this is a one-off, you should know he had a lot of segregtionist friends.

Biden also eulogized Strom Thurmond, a segregationist, one of many who Biden befriended.

Maybe Byrd changed, but don’t forget, Republicans can’t be forgiven for a thing.

Biden also praised unrepentant segregationists,  the late-Sens. James Eastland (D-MS) and Herman Talmadge (D-GA).

One of the most despicable men on earth was the late Governor George Wallace who blocked black youth from entering the University of Alabama. Biden has a long history of invoking and at times, praising the late-Alabama governor.

“I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace — someone who’s not afraid to stand up and offend people, someone who wouldn’t pander but would say what the American people know in their gut is right,” Biden told the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1975 when discussing why liberals should not “apologize for locking up criminals.”

Wallace said, “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” in his 1963 inaugural address.

Biden invoked Byrd when he objected to busing and when he ran for president the first time.

As he traveled the South in 1986 and 1987, Biden not only downplayed his support for civil rights, but also made frequent references to Wallace. In April 1987, Biden even reportedly tried to court an Alabama audience by boasting about how Wallace had honored him with an award.

“Biden talked of his sympathy for the South; bragged of an award he had received from George Wallace in 1973 and said “we [Delawareans] were on the South’s side in the Civil War,” as reported by the Inquirer in September of that year.

Apart from openly touting “his sympathy for the South” and the accolade bestowed by Wallace, Biden also bragged the Alabama governor heaped praise on his capabilities as a politician.

“Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware … tells Southerners that the lower half of his state is culturally part of Dixie,” the Detroit Free Press reported in May 1987. “He reminds them that former Alabama Gov. George Wallace praised him as one of the outstanding young politicians of America.”

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