Senator Graham was amazing during an interview with George Stephanopoulos on This Week on Sunday. It’s worth watching below. The leftists on social media are tearing him apart for it which tells you he was effective.
If you want a good barometer of what the hate-filled leftists are thinking, especially in Hollywood and the dishonest media, look no further than Jim Carrey or Jonathan Capeheart.
Ever wonder why women don’t report sexual abuse? Look no further than the hideous and hateful face of Lindsey Graham who offered nothing but anger and absolute disdain to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford following her courageous, and very credible, testimony. Talk about “a disgrace."
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) September 29, 2018
Hell hath no fury like an entitled white man denied.
— Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) September 28, 2018
I got those from the Rosie O’Donnell Twitter page. She retweeted these vile comments.
Lindsey Graham was amazing on This Week. So now the left has to demonize him with ad hominem attacks.