Sen Paul Boldly Reads Name of Possible Whistleblower on Senate Floor


Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) boldly stated the name of alleged Ukraine ‘whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella on the Senate floor as senators debated President Trump’s impeachment on Tuesday.

Paul was denied his questions twice by Chief Justice John Roberts because it mentioned the alleged whistleblower’s name.

We are all banned from mentioning his name, which is an infringement on free speech.

Paul also had an accompanying poster that included the name. He has pushed for the name to come out publicly based on free speech grounds and the right of the President to know who it is.

Dr. Paul is an American hero on these issues and Justice Roberts is not.


Paul defended his decision to CNN’s Manu Raju, arguing that he did not single out the alleged whistleblower with his floor speech.

“I would say the chief justice did that. By not allowing the question, he’s sort of confirming to the public who it is. I have no idea who it is.”

“I think it’s very important that we know if there was a concerted government plot to bring the president down by a lot of employees,” he added.

Sen. Paul discussing the question on January 30:

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