Sen Schumer Wants to Replace Unvaxed TSA Agents with DOGS


If TSA lacks in jabs, send in the dogs.
~ Senate Majority Leader and all-around jack, Chuck Schumer

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday that if there is a worker shortage over unvaxxed employees leaving their TSA jobs, they should be replaced with dogs.

President Biden’s vaccination order for federal workers takes effect three days before Thanksgiving — the busiest time of the year for air travel.

This is right around the holidays – how thoughtful (sarcasm).

“If TSA lags in jabs, send in the dogs,” Schumer said during a press conference in Manhattan, citing recent revelations from the TSA that 40 percent of its employees remain unvaccinated.

“There is no reason on God’s green Earth why anyone — let alone a TSA agent — shouldn’t have the vaccine,” New York’s senior senator said.

“Now if the agency plans now with contingencies, including the deployment of the canine dog teams, wherever the vaccine rates are impacting staffing and security, travel headaches can be avoided,” Schumer insisted.

They’re smart dogs, baby.

“The canine teams are really effective,” he said. “They can help secure national security and allow TSA agents to more effectively and efficiently screen individuals for explosives. It really works and moves the lines along.”

Do we have a lot of dogs trained in sniffing? Just wondering.


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