Senate Bill Released: It Prevents Trump from Closing the Border


A trio of senators on Sunday released a bipartisan immigration agreement with the White House that would give the president far-reaching powers to clamp down on unlawful border crossings, including the authority to turn away migrants without allowing them to request asylum.

The President always had the power. That’s the first lie.

Saying the President pivoted is the next lie. It’s an appearance of a pivot to get funding for foreign nations while giving very little to the USA. It’s also throwing a lifeline to Joe Biden to help him get elected.

CBS claims it restricts the asylum system.

It gives huge sums to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel while giving a relatively small amount of funds to the border. A great deal of money was provided to the military and the war machine.

This bill will supersede immigration laws and codify 5,000 – 8,5000 illegal aliens a day for 7 days before anything kicks in. The bill legalizes illegal immigration to 1.5 million+ a year. And, Biden can overturn it.

It locks in green card giveaways through 2030.

CBS also claims that the deal brokered by the White House would be one of the toughest border and immigration laws in modern history and would not legalize any of the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the U.S. without permission, an element of comprehensive immigration reform long championed by Democratic lawmakers.

There are millions of dollars for Homeland Security and HHS for refugee assistance in the form of grants and awards that will undoubtedly go to far-left groups to facilitate open borders.

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