Sheriff tells library backing BLM not to bother calling 911


Douglas County, Nevada Sheriff Dan Coverley was unhappy about his local library vowing support for the anti-police Marxist movement, Black Lives Matter.

His message to them is Don’t bother calling 911 for help anymore and good luck dealing with lewd visitors and disturbances on your own.

He posted his comments in an open letter on the sheriff’s office website.

His letter followed The Board of Library Trustees considering and abandoning a statement of diversity and inclusion at a public meeting that was canceled today.

The draft statement denounces “all acts of violence, racism and disregard for human rights.” It reads in part: “We support #BlackLivesMatter. We resolutely assert and believe that all forms of racism, hatred, inequality and injustice don’t belong in our society.”

That line prompted the sheriff’s letter.

“Due to your support of Black Lives Matter and the obvious lack of support or trust with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, please do not feel the need to call 911 for help,” Coverley wrote. “I wish you good luck with disturbances and lewd behavior since those are just some of the recent calls my office has assisted you with in the past.”

Coverley condemned both the library and the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Numerous Black Lives Matter protests have resulted in violence, property damage and the closing of local businesses, sometimes permanently,” he wrote. “To support this movement is to support violence and to openly ask for it to happen in Douglas County.”

We like black people and we know their lives matter. But, there is no excuse for supporting a communist organization run by angry leftists who use their movement to spread hate for the police and the USA.

The media will tell you many protests are peaceful – that is debatable. More than that, they are communists and they want your freedom and your stuff.

The library director said they didn’t mean it as an anti-police statement. They love and honor their police.

Fine, but if you come out for BLM, you are anti-police and anti-America.

The community officials told the library in the past to take the statement down from Facebook because it is political.

The sheriff said they will answer 911 calls. His statement was just meant to raise discussion.

We heard it raised the dead in the little town.


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