Shhh! Soros’s $18 Billion Control Over Mainstream Media


No one is allowed to talk about this but George Soros has an $18 billion control of mainstream media.

When Soros transferred the $18 billion to his foundation it was one of the biggest transfers of wealth to a foundation in history, but almost no one talked about it. No one was allowed to talk about it.

Right after that transfer, Soros DAs were getting elected everywhere. They now run half of America’s largest jurisdictions. When Newt Gingrich mentioned that Soros money was getting them elected and they are responsible for most of the increased violence in major cities, the Fox News host shut the segment down.

The money from the foundation funded the elections of these pro-criminal DAs. But you couldn’t even say his name.

The Epoch Times said to know who controls you, look at who you can’t criticize. There is a lot more in the interview below.

A lot has been written about Soros’s control of over 30 major news organizations. His latest venture is to buy up conservative Latin networks to disinform.

Watch the interview:

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