Shortest, Funniest Ad Comes from the Trump Campaign


Harris fully supports the failed socialist Bidenomics economy of her president and colleague for more than three years, Joe Biden. She is running for the presidency on Biden’s policies.

Harris flew off to North Carolina on Friday to announce her plan for the US economy, now dubbed The Maduro Plan. It’s odd how she has had so much power for three years and has done nothing. She is still doing nothing but has great plans for the next four years.

Harris is talking about what she will do on day one, which was more than three years ago. It could be today, but then people would clearly know it doesn’t work. Although she tries to sound like she’s offering something different, she is one with Joe, not his opponent.

On Friday, Comma-la pointed to the common enemy causing price increases – GROCERS! That’s right, grocers are gouging us. It’s not the government gouging us. It’s the people who make 1% to 2.5% profit on food. Harris wants to price control food as government Czar. She thinks she will set Shop-Rite’s price for eggs, and it will be the same whether in New York City or Ogallala, Nebraska.

If she’s going to be a communist, dividing us by focusing on a common enemy, she had better find someone more detestable than grocers.

Harris blathered about the rising prices of everything—food, rent (she’s going to price-control landlords, too), and gasoline.

“A loaf of bread cost 50 percent more than it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50 percent,” she declared, admitting things were cheaper under Trump.

Read on to see what the capitalist Trumpian campaign did with that. It’s the fourth clip.
Biden-Harris did this:

Harris brags about her communist price control policy. She is openly bragging about her communist ideology because she thinks you’re stupid.

Harris’s attack on grocers as price gougers are falling flat. It’s an obvious lie.


So, from the bowels of the Harris-Walz lies comes a hysterical Trump ad:

As long as we’re laughing, how about some attempted assassination dark comedy:

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