Howard Zinn and his People’s History of the United States is infiltrating schools at all levels, even Catholic schools, ethnic studies classes in California, theater, and now, even the Smithsonian, although Zinn, a communist, has been dead for nine years. His acolytes have updated his ‘work’ and spread it far and wide.
There is even a Young People’s History of the United States that reaches the very youngest of our American children. The works teach that America is an evil place founded on terror, genocide, slavery, and occupation.
Zinn’s works are plagiarized from other comrades, lack footnotes, and misquotes authorities. They are a false version of US history. Scholar, Dr. Mary Graber, writing for The Federalist, says, “On page after page, I found use of dubious sources, plagiarism, misrepresentations of authors’ meanings, withholding of critical information, logical and emotional fallacies, and rhetoric suitable to propaganda, which ultimately is what the book is. The solutions for the inevitable failures of the American system to which Zinn points always lie in socialism.”
You can read her short and excellent article at The Federalist and you should consider it. You can read more here.
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The Smithsonian, a very powerful institution, will offer two teach-ins, featuring “classroom resources for K-12 from Native Knowledge 360 [Degrees]” and from “the Zinn Education Project, including the campaign to abolish Columbus Day.”
They are all in on the Social Justice mantra.
All of this is communism. We need to complain en masse to the Smithsonian.
Zinn’s work reads more like Soviet propaganda than U.S. History.
Howard Zinn was a Marxist whose book presents a dreary, cynical history of a dystopian United States. It is filled with inaccuracies because, for him, it was not about the truth, it was about spreading the ideology. He used second-hand sources for his “factual US history – statements of alleged facts without footnotes, clip jobs, and interviews substituted for real research.
Zinn came out the New Left and the 1960’s leftism extremism. His book reflects their views.
Zinn’s book is a tale about demonic elites from the Founding Fathers on. He relentlessly attacks U.S. policy while ignoring Soviets. The far left, according to Zinn, made no errors; the Communist Party’s praise of Stalin is ignored; and radical leftists only failed because they didn’t muster enough troops.
Zinn was a dissident who defended injustice in the name of socialism, communism, and, in the case of Imperial Japan, anti-Americanism. He was a lazy, conventional theorist, with an undeveloped political philosophy, according to David Greenberg a professor of journalism and media studies and of history at Rutgers .
Zinn’s book is a deeply pessimistic version of U.S. history. No one believing it is an actual history tome would want to consider themselves an American after reading it.
The United States was founded on Judeo-Christian values yet Zinn barely mentions Christians or conservatives. Our country was founded in 1776 on the idea that all men were created equal. He does not mention that. In fact, the latest from the hard-left NY Times is to teach Americans the country began in 1619 and was built on slavery. Zinn would have loved that.
His admiration for Communist dictator Fidel Castro is boundless as he praises Castro’s setting up of a nationwide system of education, housing and land distribution (redistribution) to the peasants. The inconvenient truth he ignores is that Castro set up a nationwide network of gulags for those who disagreed with him. In Cuba, Zinn saw hope for the future of mankind.
Zinn’s Maoist China, site of history’s bloodiest state-sponsored killings, is “the closest thing, in the long history of that ancient country, to a people’s government, independent of outside control.” The authoritarian Nicaraguan Sandinistas were “welcomed” by their own people, while the opposition Contras, who backed the candidate that triumphed when free elections were finally held, were a “terrorist group” that “seemed to have no popular support inside Nicaragua,” according to history news network.
Right-wingers are bullies according to Zinn. They only care about keeping power and wealth to themselves.
Reviewing A People’s History in The American Scholar, Harvard University professor Oscar Handlin denounced “the deranged quality of his fairy tale, in which the incidents are made to fit the legend, no matter how intractable the evidence of American history.”
His history ignores the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot and describes the revolutionary regime in Cambodia as one that treated American prisoners well.
He is an apologist for poor forgotten communists like Pete Seeger and Paul Robeson who were Stalin lovers.
Atom bomb spies Morton Sobel and Julius Rosenberg were railroaded according to him. Sobel confessed but Zinn later said that their guilt never mattered to him.
He was an anti-Vietnam activist. He was Bill Ayers without the bombs.
His book begins with an assault on Columbus who never even made it to our continent. He bloviates about violent colonists. He delves right into slavery and remains obsessed by it and U.S. cruelty towards Native-Americans because, to him, that is all the United States is about. He never presents another side or mitigating circumstances unless it is to support communism or socialism.
He argues that the Founding Fathers agitated for war to distract the people from their own economic problems and stop popular movements [communism for one], a strategy that he claims the country’s leaders would continually use throughout our history.
Inequality towards women and the need for redistribution are themes that run throughout several chapters.
Zinn takes our sometimes sanitized history and transforms it into a bleak one-sided portrayal. For example, Andrew Jackson the frontiersman, soldier, democrat, man of the people becomes the slaveholder, land speculator, executioner of dissident soldiers, exterminator of Indians.
The Great Depression also gets a complete makeover. Despite popular belief, the 1920s were not a time of prosperity, and the problems of the Depression were simply the chronic problems of the poor extended to the rest of the society. The Communist Party was there to help the poor during the Depression, which was hogwash.
One chapter covers socialism and anarchism as popular ideologies of the 1900’s. He describes W. E. B. Du Bois, and the Progressive Party as driven by fear of radicalism, according to Wiki.
The Cold War, according to Zinn, was used by the U.S. government to increase control over the American people (for instance, eliminating such radical elements as the Communist Party) and at the same time create a state of permanent war, which allowed for the creation of the modern movements during the 1960s and the building of the military-industrial complex. Zinn understands nothing of self-defense because a complete surrender to totalitarianism was his utopia, anything else was tyranny.
He covers the “Other Civil War” in one chapter – the Anti-Rent movement, the Dorr Rebellion, the Flour Riot of 1837, the Molly Maguires, the rise of labor unions, the Lowell girls movement, and other class struggles centered around the various depressions of the 19th century. He describes the abuse of government power by corporations and the efforts by workers to resist those abuses such as the Great Railroad Strike of 1877.
Far-left movements during the 1960s are covered and glorified, such as second-wave feminism, the prison reform/prison abolition movement, the Native American rights movement, and the counterculture.
And on and on it goes. It’s the kind of hate America instruction the Squad likely has been taught.
The left’s power is in the classroom, so says the aging domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. When he was blowing up buildings and attempting to kill people, he had an epiphany. The man who calls himself a communist with a small ‘c’, the man who launched Barack Obama’s political career in his living room, decided he could succeed by turning the youth into communists. He and his comrades are doing it.
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