Some states are screwing up the vaccinations and blaming Trump

Miraculously, Trump got the vaccine to states in record time. Now they blame him for their lack of preparedness.

Peter Sullivan at The Hill reports that “as recently as mid-December, the Trump administration touted an ambitious goal: 20 million COVID-19 vaccinations by the end of the year.  But now, days before the end of the year, it appears that the actual number of vaccinations will fall significantly short of that mark. ”

They continued, “A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracker shows only about 2 million people have been vaccinated so far. That figure is likely an undercount, given there is a lag in reporting the data, but it is still well short of 20 million.”


The Hill is trying to blame President Trump as usual. However, it is up to the states now. The vaccines were delivered, but the states, particularly the blue states, are unprepared. Some are deliberately slow-walking so that they can give senile Joe credit for the vaccines.

People will die, and they don’t care. You have dopes like Andrew Cuomo of New York who is ignoring young cancer patients and the elderly in favor of the rehab drug addicts who are at a very small risk.

They can’t say the vaccines are not being delivered, so they claim the states are left on their own.


The Hill writes it “has largely been left to states to figure out, at a time when state health departments are strapped for cash and overwhelmed.”

“States were kind of left on their own, like so many things across the course of this pandemic,” said Josh Michaud, associate director for global health policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation. “What we’re seeing is the fruits of that patchwork approach.”

That’s infuriating and dishonest. These are the same states who demanded to be in total control, which has kept us locked down with their Draconian rules.  They want to have sole control, and they got it. If Trump intervened, they’d simply attack that.

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