Wide open borders, filthy cities replete with tents, needles and human waste, rampant crime, an assassination attempt, endless wars, kickbacks, corruption, drugs and sexual perversion in the White House… The Democrat reign of terror on America must be stopped. Vote them out!
~ James Woods
Caveat: We don’t know if this was anything but a lone wolf, and we may never know.
Peter St. Onge, Ph.D., responded to the attack on Donald Trump’s life by an “alleged lone wolf.”
Rushed Transcript
“JFK, Ronald Reagan, and now Donald Trump. This seemingly orchestrated campaign of national collapse our ruling elite is carrying out took a very dark turn over the weekend as yet another alleged lone wolf tried to take out yet another anti-establishment president.
“Many of us are old enough to remember four years ago when Joe Biden promised us the return to normalcy after Trump, the calm after the storm; the adults are back in charge, we were told.
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“Instead, of course, we got double-digit inflation, bank failures exceeding 2008, a national debt barreling towards 35 trillion, mass legalization of street crime that is depopulating our greatest cities all replaced by the wholesale importation of 10 million, perhaps 20 million illegal immigrants and to top it all off an obsessive determination to gin up World War III nukes and all. If that is adults in charge, perhaps we need new adults; as Glenn Reynolds put it, the Biden administration has been so crazy that it’s made Trump look like the return to normalcy candidate.
Socialism Never Works
“You’ve actually been here before; starting in the 1960s after JFK was replaced, the CIA approved the Lyndon B Johnson Embarked on The Great Reset 1.0, then called the so-called Great Society. That was Washington’s trillion-dollar project to remake America into a left-wing utopia.
“Of course, it delivered what socialism always delivers, the precise opposite of what was promised. So inflation soared, incomes collapsed, and unemployment hit double digits for 40 years on end. Great Society prime reforms collapsed our greatest cities into crime and disorder; Great Society welfare gutted the traditional family, especially urban families. Great city education reforms turned public schools into propaganda factories turning out illiterate voters.
“The media naturally did everything they could to hide the collapse, but the left had swung the pendulum too far too fast, and voters had had it enough. They rejected the elite-approved Jimmy Carter, handing the anti-establishment Ronald Reagan 44 states, one of the more lopsided victories in American history.
“That’s despite a savage campaign against Ronald Reagan by the media that we would not see again until Donald J Trump. Then, just two months into office, that anti-Reagan media campaign bore fruit as an obsessive fan tried to assassinate Reagan to impress a famous actress.
“As with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, intelligence failures, particularly by the FBI, were egregious enough to invite questions as to whether the deep state had effectively green-lighted the assassination.
“Forcefully, Reagan recovered and went on to win 49 states, which was the biggest landslide since 1936. That is a number that Biden’s handlers will be very aware of in the coming months. …
“… eerie the degree to which we are replaying the 1970s. We’re already living the long 1970s stagflation driven by federal spending on useless wars and welfare for illegals, whilst middle-class Americans line up for food banks and our veterans are turned out on the street. Our cities are once again collapsing. The media is once again driving division. Washington is once again flirting with World War III while our manufacturing base flees overseas.
“In short, the radicals are back in charge, and they’re actually doubling down this time from arresting the opposition to yet another perfectly timed lone wolf. The stakes just went up, and at this point, it is Trump or the abyss.
The monologue:
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