States build contact tracing armies to track you down & isolate you


Commentary and facts

State governments are building armies of contact tracers to control the spread of the virus according to plans enacted by leftists in the United States and in other countries, including China.

California is already conducting contact tracing in 22 counties, and it eventually plans to field a force of 10,000 state employees, who will be given basic training by the University of California health experts.

More useless government jobs to be made into permanent union positions.

Massachusetts and Ohio have partnered with Partners in Health, a global health nonprofit originally established to support programs in Haiti, to field teams of contact tracers.

Maryland will partner with the University of Chicago and NORC, formerly the National Opinion Research Center, to quadruple its contact tracing capacity.

Washington, West Virginia, Iowa, North Dakota and Rhode Island are using their National Guards to trace contacts of those who have been infected with the coronavirus. In Kansas, 400 people have volunteered to trace contacts; in Utah, 1,200 state employees have raised their hands.

The goal is to identify those who have been infected with a virus and those with whom the infected person has come into contact.

The afflicted will be quickly isolated – probably by force as we’ve seen throughout the country.


The left-wing control freaks say the coronavirus will not end as a threat to mankind until a lot more people have become infected and built up antibodies. Ironically, social distancing delayed that process.

The left has a dream of a vaccine which may never come.

Anthony Fauci, who has been wrong about everything, is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and  is the country’s most well-known infectious disease expert. He has estimated that a vaccine could be as close as 18 months away, though he has acknowledged that would blow the old record for speedy development out of the water.

Also, he fails to mention that we still don’t have a vaccine for SARS and HIV.

“We have to fundamentally do everything possible to get a safe and effective vaccine as quickly as possible. At the same time, we have to assume that it’s not around the corner,” said Tom Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who now runs Resolve to Save Lives, a global health nonprofit.

In the meantime, the federal government has largely left it up to the states to build their contact tracing capacity. That is the way it is supposed to be in a Republic. But the federal government has given them every resource they asked for.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Andy Levin (D-Mich.) have proposed adding a massive nationwide federal contact tracing program to the next round of coronavirus-related relief funding. In a nod to the New Deal-style scale such a program would require, they call the program the Coronavirus Containment Corps.

“Establishing a nationwide contact tracing program is the only way we can truly know the progress we’ve made in containing the virus, and how far we have left to go before we can transition back to normal life,” Levin said in a statement.

More useless big government.

They say it will only be effective if they constantly test everyone.

This is a practice that will delay any return to normalcy, a decent economy, and worst of all, it will deprive us of our freedoms. It’s a dream for people like Warren and Levin, two socialist control freaks.

States are building contact tracing armies as we speak, not to crush the virus as much as it is meant to crush the USA.

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