Stephen Miller’s Terrifying Analysis of Our Nation’s Future


Donald Trump is facing nearly 100 criminal charges in courts nationwide. It is brazen, Soviet-level election interference – the worst in US history, as Tucker noted in his interview posted on TCN today.

“This is one of the most brazen displays of actual election interference in U.S. history, and it’s happening at permanent Washington’s longstanding behest. The goal is simple: do whatever it takes, very much including bankrupting or imprisoning Trump, to prevent American voters from casting their ballots for him,” he said.

Tucker said Stephen Miller deeply understands how corrupt this scheme has become.

The clip hasn’t been posted on X yet, but you need to know what Miller said and consider if his terrifying assessment sounds accurate. We’d love to hear your opinion.

Stephen Miller: “And so this is all part of the performative illusion where she stands up there at the press conference. You know, we’re the underdog. We took on the big, powerful Donald Trump. No, you took on the leader of a voiceless opposition party in this country. Well, you did as you are the ruling class. You are the ones who set the terms. Who set the conditions, and who controls how all of our legal system and democracy runs?

“And then you’re going after the man whose job it is to stand up for the dispossessed and the disenfranchised of this country. The message being, if you, if you out there, choose among you a leader to stand up to us, we will decapitate him. That’s the message they’re sending. You can be unhappy about the border invasion. You could be unhappy about formalizing racism. Discriminate against you and your children and your relatives.

“You could be unhappy about the decay of our cities and our system. The ruin of our education system. You give me unhappy about all your money, your tax dollars, your property taxes being stolen from you and redistributed to people who have no right to be here, to welfare cheats and to criminals.

“And if you choose someone to stand up to all of this, watch us ruin him, watch us destroy him. And even if he gets into office, as he did in 2017, watch us launch a soft coup day after day after day. And then in 2020, if we change the whole rules for elections, if we change how everything is run, if we break every single law in the key swing states about how elections should be run, watch none of our secretaries of state go to jail.

“None of our officials, no one implementing the system. The only people who will go to jail are the ones who deign to go to court, outre legislature to seek a redress of these grievances, and then finally watch us violate the Eighth Amendment in plain view against excessive fines right there in the Constitution. Our founders feared it, feared it, deeply feared it.

“Watch us violate the Eighth Amendment, and nothing will happen. And judges will be petrified, terrified to even think of siding with Donald Trump, lest the left go after them. This is a tutorial in who runs this society and how decayed our democracy has truly become.”

Tucker noted that what makes America good is what we inherited from England 250 years ago. If you destroy that, is it “actually worth ruling over if it’s just a husk? Like, aren’t they kind of screwing themselves by doing this?

Stephen Miller: “Well, I think the South Africa example you use is very apt. There are certainly other ones. I mean, you go back further in time to the French Revolution. Certainly. And yes, when you, when you as a society cross this transom, begin cannibalizing yourself, destroying all of your institutions, ruling by animus, ruling by hatreds, planning ancient rivalries, you do all of these things. Yes. You can in fact gain power by crushing many innocent people and your society will.

“It will start to evaporate and things will not work anymore, the trains will not show up where they’re supposed to, and the planes will fall out of the sky and everything will become unlivable. But for at least a small group of people, they will still have it very good, albeit it’ll be a very small group.

“Even in North Korea, the elite are doing quite well, so it is possible to have even an incredibly failing society and have a small upper crust doing well. I think that the piece of this that most are missing for this to work, there also has to be a segment of the American population that has it’s that has itself become radicalized. So you have obviously the elites and the rulers, but who sits on these juries? That’s right.

“In LA and in DC, who are the people, the citizens that are willing partners in this scheme of oppression, who throw somebody in jail for posting a meme, which throw people in jail for being mere pro-life activists? Just saying, I am don’t want there to be late-term abortions.

“Oh, go to jail. Who are the ones who are facilitating these outrageous abuses of the law? These are citizens who have been radicalized through censorship, through the corporate press, through the political demagoguery of a handful of politicians, like an Adam Schiff, who have been trained to think that a portion of the country, a majority, in fact, is the enemy must be crushed by any means so that it is impossible.

“It’s literally impossible to receive a fair trial in many of America’s largest cities, for the simple reason. And so what I would say to everyone watching today is we are not so unlike those who came before us. When you see a neighbor who has that yard sign that says hate has no home here, refugees are welcome, trans rights are human rights. All of that stuff.

“It’s important to understand that that person, without knowing them individually, is not so different than the person in the French Revolution who is cheering the guillotines on. They were not so different than the communists in the Russian Revolution. Cheering the executions of the aristocrats. That element of humanity, whether it’s driven by jealousy or rage or lust, whatever that human moral defect is, certainly it occurs oftentimes in the absence of a religion that is now unfortunately deeply infected into American society.

“And so when you have the collapse of our institutions, combined with the radicalization of our fellow citizens, we are living in an unusually dangerous moment. And I fear that the addition of another 15 million people illegally into our country who don’t have any history in the Western system of justice makes that tipping point arrive much faster.”

Tucker asked Miller about giving military weapons and uniforms to the illegal aliens, some fleeing wars.

Stephen Miller: “I mean, that is, I fear, number one, it has been the Pentagon’s top goal for a long time. I mean, going back to my days as a Senate staffer now seems like a lifetime ago, we were fighting efforts by the Pentagon to put, automatic weapons in the hands of illegal aliens. And now, of course, you see cities doing that with police officers. It is, again, it as part of this displacement process of saying that you, the law abiding citizen, the taxpaying citizen, the citizen who is responsible for communities working and functioning, whether it’s why the sewers function, whether it’s why the streets are clean or have been historically, how everything works in the whole city.

“You, the citizen that built this country, will now have others sitting in judgment of you who have stolen, who have thieves, who have robbed, who have broken into this country.

“And of course, not only will they have automatic weapons, but they’ll be made into citizens and they will sit on juries in judgment of you, in judgment of you, and they will now have behind them the power of prosecutors and attorney generals like Letitia James to make sure that they get the message that this is the deal.

“You get to be citizens here, you get to be part of this country. But know who brought you and know who made you citizens, and know who the good guys are and know who the bad guys are. And to your point about what makes us unique, the Western system of justice, it will be the the darkest, saddest irony that the crown jewel of the American experiment, which is the English system of justice, is now the instrument of its undoing.

Tucker asked what the average person should do.

Stephen Miller: “I think all that can be done at this point is pushing through all these hurdles, pushing through all of this opposition is you’re going to have to somehow prevail in reclaiming control over the government, and then you are going to have to use every precedent, every system that has been put in place by the left against them. And there’ll be no alternative to that. There’ll be no there’ll be no nice way to do this Tucker. The softness has been repaid with cruelty for generations against traditional Americans.

“Every act of kindness and forgiveness and empathy has been met with a back of a hand or a closed fist. This only ends when you say the precedents that you created will now be used against you.

“You’re saying it’s illegal to use the justice system, or to use the legislative system to criticize an election? Well, what does that mean for the criminal liability of everybody persecuting now, all the conservatives in favor of election integrity?

“Every single person involved in those prosecutions under those same legal theories is guilty of violating civil rights, is guilty of violating constitutional rights, is guilty of conspiracy against the elections of the United States. You use every single precedent in return, because until that happens, the message that every American will receive is that there is a winner in this fight and a loser in this fight. And as much as it may hurt them, Americans will ultimately, in the end, bow their heads in obedience to the winning team.

“If the winning team is the team that will throw you away and put you in jail and conservatives, all they’ll have are blog posts and the end of the day, blog posts are not going to win this struggle.”

Tucker also spoke with Jake Logan of Truckers for Trump and his sincere desire to support Donald Trump.

“We have had enough of this and this watching persecution of President Trump. I mean, President Trump is dying the death of a thousand cuts every single day. And, you know, God bless that man. But, he can’t he can’t do everything by himself. And it’s time for the American people to stand up and support our president.”


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