A report in The Guardian found that new housing projects in the UK have been delayed for years because of an “infrastructure crisis.” Council leaders have warned that this is caused by a lack of capacity in the National Grid.
Building schemes for thousands of homes are on hold, while new projects face delays of up to four years in some parts of the UK because of a lengthening queue of developers waiting to be connected.
Those hoping to build new wind turbines, solar farms, or micro-hydroelectric schemes face even longer waits after a deluge of new connection requests, many of them from speculative schemes.
They don’t have enough electricity to do what they need to do, and they are eliminating all the other energy sources.
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Then there is Germany…
For most of this century, Germany racked up one economic success after another, dominating global markets for high-end products. But then, with the war in Ukraine and sanctions that only hurt the West, they decided to go all in on net zero energy for the climate and deindustrialize.
Germany is now the world’s worst-performing major developed economy. Soon, they will freeze.
So goes the United States…
Seemingly incapable of learning from others, Joe Biden is rushing into the same net zero Hell as much of Europe. As we recently reported, Bidenistas in the EPA mandated impossible rules for trucks. Experts can easily prove they are “catastrophic” for the trucking industry and for the overall economy. What the administration wants done can’t be done. The infrastructure isn’t there, nor is the financing.
The Bidenistas do not care. We will end up without cars and reliable transportation because they are also eliminating gas-powered cars and trucks.
In an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal, the Editorial Board writes about The Coming Electricity Crisis. Biden and the press raise alarms about the alleged coming of a climate crisis, but giving his administration money doesn’t do a thing to help. The policies don’t do a thing to benefit Americans.
The WSJ writes: “These pages have been warning for years about an electric-power shortage. And now grid regulators and utilities are ramping up warnings. Projections for U.S. electricity demand growth over the next five years have doubled from a year ago. The major culprits: New artificial intelligence data centers, federally subsidized manufacturing plants, and the government-driven electric-vehicle transition.”
Electric prices are skyrocketing everywhere.
“Don’t expect the power to come from New York, which is marching toward a power shortage as it shuts down nuclear and fossil-fuel power in favor of wind and solar. A new Micron chip factory in upstate New York is expected to require as much power by the 2040s as the states of New Hampshire and Vermont combined.”
“Chip factories and data centers can consume 100 times more power than a typical industrial business.”
“Data centers—like manufacturing plants—require reliable power around the clock year-round, which wind and solar don’t provide. Businesses can’t afford to wait for batteries to become cost-effective. Building transmission lines to connect distant renewables to the grid typically takes 10 to 12 years.
“Because of these challenges, Obama Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz last week predicted that utilities would ultimately have to rely more on gas, coal, and nuclear plants to support surging demand. “We’re not going to build 100 gigawatts of new renewables in a few years,” he said. No kidding.
“The problem is that utilities are rapidly retiring fossil-fuel and nuclear plants. “We are subtracting dispatchable [fossil fuel] resources at a pace that’s not sustainable, and we can’t build dispatchable resources to replace the dispatchable resources we’re shutting down,” Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Mark Christie warned this month.”
“Houston, we have a problem.”
We can’t do what they want, so the US will also de-industrialize. We won’t have new homes, cars, or goods delivered by trucks, but there are plenty of insects to eat when trucks don’t deliver our food.
I sometimes say it’s stupidity or ignorance, but I don’t believe that’s it. Do you? These people doing this don’t seem stupid. What they are doing seems brilliant and well-planned to control us all.
I thought Mark Levin’s monologue on his show yesterday was worth hearing:
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