Swiss Doctor Claims He Was Taken to a Mental Ward for “Coronavirus Insanity”


Dr. Thomas Binder, a Swiss cardiologist, said he was placed in a mental health facility for his views. He claims that he was forced to take psychiatric medication after his release.

He reportedly gave confusing statements about the coronavirus that caught the attention of colleagues. Soon after, Swiss SWAT showed up at his door to take him to the mental ward. Binder allegedly uttered “threats against the authorities” and had an “unstable psyche.”


On Thursday, April 9, 2020, Dr. Binder posted a blog to his website, which he believed provided a thorough analysis of COVID-19 and the various unscientific measures implemented at that time. The blog post went viral receiving 20,000 views, and Dr. Binder was hopeful his post might calm the public and initiate the end to the restrictions and mandates.

However, the post caught the attention of two colleagues. They alerted the Chief of State Police, claiming that Dr. Binder was a supposed threat to himself and the government.

Two days later, SWAT showed up.

Children’s Health Defense also posted the story from another site. They claimed the officials realized he wasn’t a threat but the doctors insisted he take psychotropic medication.

We wouldn’t believe this possible, except we just posted a report about the Canadian Physicians and Surgeons suggesting people who don’t want to take the vaccine are mentally ill and might need psychotropic drugs.

We haven’t confirmed this. Perhaps he is mentally ill. The Swiss papers are all behind a paywall so that we couldn’t check them. You decide if it’s worth further research.

If this is true, it’s worthy of Josef Stalin. Just something to keep watching.

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