The DC Women’s March No One Cares About


Another Women’s March took place in DC today. It was rebranded as the People’s March. They had far fewer attendees than in the past and a less enthusiastic crowd. Most people watching don’t care any longer.

Their nonstop shrieking has worn people out. It’s likely organized and funded by Democrat NGOs and dark money. This is just a Democrat movement to get out the vote for them.

These are the men of the Women’s/People’s March:

No one cares anymore.

It’s unlikely they had 25,000. It could be 10,000 at most.

They still don’t know what a woman is. They don’t realize they’ve become people we simply laugh at.

Ironically, the Women’s March is purging women.

More nonsense from these people:

The People Who Funded Past Women’s Marches

One of the three top sponsors of the 2019 March is the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the “dark money” political nonprofit arm of Planned Parenthood.

Dark money connections pop up again, with New American Leaders, described as “a movement for inclusive democracy by preparing first and second generation Americans to use their power and potential in elected office.’ It is affiliated with the 501c New American Leaders Action Fund. The outside spending group spent $124,998 to support six Democratic House candidates in 2018.

The Center for Popular Democracy Action, another non-disclosing group listed as a Women’s March partner, spent $326,091 in the 2018 midterms. The group spent the largest amount of their 2018 cash, $209,626, in support of former Sen. Bill Nelson’s (D-Fla.) failed re-election. Another nonprofit affiliated with the group, Living United for Change in Arizona, spent $101,819 in support of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.).

Additionally,, an organization focused on building a “grassroots climate movement,” is one of the March partners. Affiliated with the organization is the Action Fund, which keeps its donors a secret. The fund spent more than $98,000 to oppose President Donald Trump in the 2016 cycle. Since then there has been no additional data reported.

The other two sponsors for this year’s march are the ACLU and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). While the AFT isn’t dark money, both organizations are still big players in campaign finance.

Groups like UltravioletMainers for Accountable LeadershipPride Fund to End Gun Violence, and others are listed as partners and also contribute to political campaigns, unsurprisingly primarily to Democrats and Democratic causes.

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