Instead of improving the educational system, which is now immersed in Marxism, the latest thing is to dumb us down and distort standards even further. Part of the dumbing down process includes the new SAT.
If you learn math, reading, and writing as in the past, you’re racist, classist, sexist, and too white.
Since objectivity and meritocracy are now gone, lost in the sea of Marxist standards, so must the SATs go.
The SAT has already been diminished, so they’ve taken the next step.
Have you heard of digital SAT adaptive testing?
Well, this is what it is. The digital SAT will be broken into two sections for each subject. If you do poorly in section 1, the test will adapt to your lack of ability in section 2. If you do well, it will come up with harder questions in section 2.
To dumb it down, answering easy questions instead of harder ones will not impact your score. So, if you answer all the easy questions, you get scored as somebody who has answered the harder ones. However, some students can answer the hard ones, and they’ll get harder ones. Any who score well are really good. Students who get the easy ones will look terrible.
The Testmakers Say:
It’s a version of adaptive testing that ruins the concept. Everyone basically has a test tailor-made to him or her, which defeats the idea of standardized tests. They are meant to see how a person fares compared to others in their grade or age range.
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The higher scorers will still score higher, and lower scorers will still score lower.
Adaptable tests work when they weight the harder and easier questions, but this is Marxism we’re discussing now.
However, the test makers claim the students score the same on the written test as they do on the digital test. Hard to believe.
No Penalty for Doing Well on Easier Questions
Students who are given easier questions in the second portion of the SAT “won’t be disadvantaged,” the College Board insists, the NY Post explains.
“You’ll be presented with questions tailored to your abilities. You won’t be presented with questions that are much too hard or too easy,” it said, according to its website.
“You can be confident that you’re going to end up with an accurate score. Your score will reflect your achievement and skills based on your answers to questions in both modules.”
Yeah, No, Bad Idea
Students who score well on the test will have to work a lot harder to do so; students who score poorly will have done so with easy questions and look even worse. Middle scores will be pulled toward the middle. This hollows out the middle, so students who score lower middle will go to the middle, and students who score upper middle will go down to the middle.
They want to play around with it, not to see what students are capable of, but to make us all the same with the same outcomes.
They can keep playing around with it until they make it even more unreliable for measuring skills and ability. Marxists don’t like competitiveness of any kind. Reality is not their bag.
It’s no longer any use because they’ve debased the entire test.
Prepare for DEI surgeons, and lots of luck with that.